Gaining Advantage When buying or selling a home, any advantage could be helpful to make your decisions easier and more profitable. Few are more experienced and better positioned to provide homebuyers and homesellers with a meaningful advantage than an expert Realtor. That’s because seasoned real estate agents hold access to a literal wealth of information, which […]
How to Take Advantage of Your Realtor
In most relationships, business or otherwise, there’s some usual ‘give and take.’ In the end of such encounters, both sides typically benefit, making the situation a ‘win-win’ outcome for those involved. And that’s why ‘taking advantage’ of your Realtor as a helpful resource needn’t be adversarial. Instead, providing counsel and information is what expert real estate agents do best. And leveraging that professional assistance to your maximum advantage is typically a wise move.
Realtor ‘Stress-Busting’ Tips for Homebuyers & Homesellers
Did you know the profession of real estate agent consistently ranks as one of the most stressful occupations? Yet, some Realtors seemingly deal with stress as if their work is a breeze. Ever wonder what their secret is? Burnout What is it that causes some real estate agents to ‘burn out?’ And as a homebuyer […]
Realtor Stress-Busting Tips for Homebuyers & Homesellers
Did you know the profession of real estate agent consistently ranks as one of the most stressful occupations? Yet, some Realtors seemingly deal with stress as if their work is a breeze. Ever wonder what’s their secret? And is there something homebuyers and homesellers can learn about defusing stress using tips from real estate professionals who work daily ‘in the trenches’ while handling potentially stress-riddled transactions? Find out how professionals handle stress AND perform at a high level…in this helpful Oregon real estate podcast!
What to Know When Moving to Oregon
Welcome to Oregon Perhaps you recently experienced a job change, or maybe you’re simply seeking something different and have decided to make a move. If your final stop is Oregon, you’re not alone, since it’s a common destination. But Why Oregon? You might have heard about Oregon’s livability (having three of the top 50 places […]
What to Know When Moving to Oregon
You might have heard about Oregon’s livability. You could also be enthralled by the Beaver State’s reputed natural beauty, or perhaps you enjoy outdoor activities, since fishing, hunting, skiing, kayaking, surfing and bicycling are all popular here. But what else is to be found in Oregon? And what’s it like to actually live here? Is there anything helpful to know before showing up upon arriving in Oregon with a filled U-Haul truck? Plus, why do most people move to Oregon and might you ‘fit in’ here? Find out more, in this edition of the Oregon Real Estate Podcast.
Should You Buy A Celebrity Home?
President Herbert Hoover. Grammy Award nominee Gino Vannelli. Double Nobel laureate Linus Pauling. Renowned chef James Beard. Neo-classical composer Ernest Bloch. Authors Beverly Cleary and Walt Morey. Actors Sally Struthers, Frank Cady and Ginger Rogers. What do the people on this diverse list have in common? Celebrities all, they have each called Oregon ‘home.’ A Brush […]
Should You Buy A Celebrity Home?
President Herbert Hoover. Grammy Award nominee Gino Vannelli. Double Nobel laureate Linus Pauling. Renowned chef James Beard. Composer Ernest Bloch. Authors Beverly Cleary and Walt Morey. Actors Sally Struthers, Frank Cady and Ginger Rogers. What do the people on this diverse list have in common? Celebrities all, they have each called Oregon ‘home.’
Differences When Selling Country vs. City Homes
There’s something not only different, but truly special about being ‘out in the country.’ The sense of natural beauty, privacy and stillness is difficult to find anywhere else. Click the ‘play’ button below for this new podcast episode: Out In The Country The song ‘Out in the Country’ recorded by Three Dog Night […]
Differences When Selling Country vs. City Homes
Given the many potential lifestyle differences among Oregonians, how about differences when selling a home? Oregonians have plenty of housing options. For many homebuyers, one main decision is whether to live in the country, or the city.
If you’re selling country property, it’s important to realize that not everyone is a prime prospect for your home. That’s because buyer considerations between country and city properties include trade-offs. Some of these trade-offs include commute time, convenience and affordability. It’s true that home prices in general tend to become more affordable with added distance from the economic hub of cities. Yet even given a lower house price tag, with increased countryside commute times and what some see as rural inconveniences, there also tends to be a decrease in buyer demand.
While many buyers speak longingly about having ‘a place in the country,’ the reality of change is just too overwhelming for some. So they stay in the city or suburbs. Does this mean country property sellers are doomed to the ‘double whammy’ of fewer buyers and a longer selling period? Isn’t there a buyer for every property? And what about other aspects of the sale, like getting a loan, appraisal and inspections. Are those different for country transactions, too? Find out more in this helpful edition of the Oregon Real Estate Podcast.
Stop Waiting For Your House To Sell
Especially during a ‘hot’ real estate market, it’s understandable how some homesellers may wonder “Why isn’t our house selling?” Some homesellers wait longingly, certain that if the sale of their property is ‘meant to be,’ a buyer will appear. But now, given a plethora of ways to gauge the popularity and market-friendliness of any listed […]
Stop Waiting For Your House To Sell
It’s understandable how homesellers might wonder “Why isn’t our house selling?” Some homesellers wait longingly, certain that if the sale of their property is ‘meant to be,’ a buyer will appear. But now, given a plethora of ways to gauge the popularity and market-friendliness of any listed home for sale, you can stop waiting for your house to sell. The good news is that there are indeed options homesellers have at their disposal to ensure their home sells…usually a whole lot faster, and frequently for top dollar. So, what are these options to ‘jumpstart’ an otherwise lackluster homeselling situation…and are some better than others? Stop waiting for your home to sell and find out more, in this edition of the Oregon Real Estate Podcast!
I Have An Offer On My House – Now What?
Selling a home usually involves a considerable amount of planning. And like many activities, with homeselling there is a beginning, middle and an end. So somewhere approaching the mid-way point in the homeselling process and well before the end, you’ll receive at least one offer. But what happens then? Questions 67 And 68 There are […]
I Have An Offer On My House – Now What?
You just received an offer on your home-Congratulations! Now here are some helpful insights from an experienced Realtor to help move the process forward to a successful closing.
Secrets Your Realtor Knows
On many Realtor property listings, there are one or more sections reserved for ‘private remarks.’ This private information is usually intended for real estate agents. What are these ‘private’ remarks and do they include information potentially helpful to buyers? And why are these remarks private? Find out in this edition of the Oregon Real Estate Podcast.
Secrets Your Realtor Knows
On many Realtor property listings, there are sections reserved for ‘private remarks’ intended for real estate agents. What are these ‘private’ remarks and do they include information potentially helpful to buyers…and why are these remarks private? Find out in this edition of the Oregon Real Estate Podcast!
Deputized: How 2 Oregon Realtors Become ‘Policemen for a Day’
A fellow Realtor and I had been asked by our seller client to assist with the removal of squatters on her property and also make homeselling suggestions prior to her placing the home on the market. As a result, we were told to meet police at the property to assist with access, so the house could be vacated. Little did we know that we would not just assist with access, but were also about to become deputized as temporary police officers!
Deputized: How 2 Realtors Become Policemen For A Day
Working as a real estate agent can present some unusual situations. Here’s one story you probably haven’t heard before. It includes two mild mannered Realtors being deputized, or ‘sworn in’ on the spot, since the local, short-handed police force is about to commence a house eviction that turns out to be a bit more than routine.
We’d been asked by our seller client to assist with the removal of squatters on her property and also make suggestions prior to our selling her home. As a result, we were told to meet police at the property to assist with access, so the house could be vacated. Little did we know that this visit would not only include providing access, but also our becoming temporary police officers! For more, listen to this interesting and true story.
What’s The Cost to Sell Your Oregon Home?
A common homeseller question is ‘How much will it cost to sell my home?’ Hear the audio podcast presentation of this article by clicking here or on the ‘play’ button below. As with the sale of anything, there are a few factors for homesellers to consider. Seller costs typically include a real estate commission, plus factors […]
How Much Will It Cost To Sell My Home?
A common homeseller question is ‘How much will it cost to sell my home?’ As with the sale of anything, there are a few factors to consider. In real estate, these factors can include a Realtor commission, plus items like title insurance, escrow and recording fees. There are other costs, too, like the ‘hassle factor’ and moving expenses. Thinking about selling your home? Find out what you need to know in this informative podcast.
Can I Trust My Oregon Realtor?
Trust is an important factor when buying or selling real estate. Thankfully, trusting your Realtor is not typically super risky. That’s because consumer surveys consistently reflect a high level of satisfaction with Realtor performance. One study by Forbes magazine revealed 96% satisfaction for the real estate industry. So if many real estate agents were dishonest, we could expect that figure to be much lower.
This doesn’t mean blindly signing off on every suggestion one receives from their Realtor. But obsessively hand wringing over transaction minutiae is one sure way to make the process less enjoyable. A recommended approach is for Oregon homebuyers and homesellers to carefully read all documents, ask plenty of questions and work with a recommended professional with a solid track record.
Can I Trust My Oregon Realtor?
Before entering into a business relationship, it’s helpful to know your real estate agent is nice, patient, available when needed…and honest. So while many of us assume we’re ‘safe’ in the hands of our doctor, attorney or pastor, what about your Realtor?
Finding Your Oregon Real Estate Superhero
To adults and kids alike, superheroes seem to have time-tested appeal. Some think it’s because they look different. Indeed, some superheroes dress uniquely. Others believe superheroes represent the ‘good guy’ and these days, we can always use more good guys and gals. Yet others suggest that superheroes are in the rescue business and we all […]
Finding Your Real Estate Superhero
To adults and kids alike, superheroes seem to have a time-tested appeal. Some think it’s because they look different. Indeed, some superheroes dress uniquely. Others believe superheroes represent the ‘good guy’ and these days, we can always use more ‘good guys.’ Yet others suggest that superheroes are in the rescue business and we all have an area in our lives where we could use help. Whatever the reason, it’s undeniable that superheroes hold a unique place in our imagination.
While not superhuman, some real estate agents stand far apart from others. And when hundreds of thousands of dollars are literally on the line during your next home sale or purchase, chances are you’ll feel better throughout the entire process when working with a truly ‘super’ Realtor. But is it possible to easily locate a terrific real estate agent that’s not only experienced, but also dedicated, plus recognized for excellence among his or her peers? Find out in this edition of the Oregon Real Estate Podcast.
What Agent 007 Can Teach You About Oregon Real Estate
Compared to the life of famed superspy James Bond, buying or selling Oregon real estate is dull and monotonous, right? Au contraire. You might be surprised to see how such a comparison actually sizes up. Click here or on the play button above to hear the audio podcast of this article. Not So Mundane, After […]
What James Bond Can Teach You About Oregon Real Estate
Compared to the life of famed superspy James Bond, buying or selling Oregon real estate is dull and dreary, right? Au contraire. You might be surprised to see how such a comparison actually sizes up.
Not So Mundane, After All
How could Oregon real estate’s seemingly routine tasks possibly compare to the life and adventures of ultra-suave Agent 007? Initially, it seems like a ridiculous question. Of course Bond’s life is far more treacherous, risky and ‘on the edge,’ right? As we’ll soon learn, not exactly. Buyers and sellers of Oregon real estate have a lot more in common with the famous spy than first meets the bullseye. Find out more in this interesting Oregon real estate podcast.
Oregon’s ‘Magic’ Real Estate Number
Sometimes absorbing the sea of Oregon real estate information is more like drinking from a fire hydrant. Yet, out of all the seemingly helpful real estate data bandied about, there is one especially helpful number, which when understood, can provide near-magical clarity to both homebuyers and homesellers.
Oregon Real Estate’s ‘Magic Number’
Sometimes absorbing the sea of Oregon real estate information seems more like drinking from a fire hydrant. Yet, out of all the seemingly helpful real estate data bandied about, there is one especially helpful number, which when understood, can provide magical clarity to both homebuyers and homesellers. What is this ‘magic’ number and what does it represent? Find out in this informative podcast episode!
10 Reasons Oregon Homesellers Hire A Realtor
There are many good reasons why Oregon homesellers hire a Realtor, including the handful of sellers who first try the ‘for sale by owner’ or ‘FSBO’ route. Here are ten of the most common reasons why Oregon homesellers hire a Realtor to get the job done right. Click here to hear the audio podcast version […]
10 Reasons Why Oregon Homesellers Hire A Realtor
There are many good reasons why homesellers hire a Realtor, including the handful of sellers who first try the ‘for sale by owner’ or ‘FSBO’ route. Here are ten of the most common reasons why homesellers hire a Realtor to get the job done right.
Why Does My Realtor Do That?
Realtors must follow many rules and according to consumer satisfaction surveys, real estate agents do an overall good job. Realtors are trained to abide by applicable state and national real estate laws, follow accepted business practices and the Realtor Code of Ethics, which is considered a higher standard of duty. Yet as in other professions, sometimes […]
Why Does My Realtor Do That?
Realtors must follow many rules and according to consumer satisfaction surveys, most agents do a good job. Realtors are trained to abide by applicable state and national real estate laws, follow accepted business practices and the Realtor code of ethics, which is considered a higher standard of duty. Yet as in other professions, sometimes agents fall short. Wrong is wrong, yet it’s also important to separate willful wrongdoing from expectations which may be misinterpreted, or where motives are misunderstood. Today we’ll address some common consumer complaints and Realtor behaviors.
Dancing The ‘Two Transaction’ Tango
Simultaneous/Consecutive Home Transactions: Selling one home and buying another are frequently linked activities. Click here or on the ‘play’ button below for the audio version of this presentation about how to minimize the bother and maximize your effectiveness when simultaneously home buying and home selling. We’ll also examine options to help decide if simultaneous or […]
Dancing ‘The Two Transaction Tango’
Simultaneous/Consecutive Home Transactions Selling one home and buying another are frequently linked activities. Click here or on the ‘play’ button below for the audio version of this presentation about how to minimize the bother and maximize your effectiveness when simultaneously home buying and home selling. We’ll also examine options to help decide if simultaneous or […]
10 Reasons Why Winter Homeselling Is Hot
While there are cases to be made for homeselling in each of the four seasons, Winter is one of the most powerful times sellers can place their home on the market and for ten very good reasons. Hear the audio podcast version of this helpful real estate presentation by clicking here or ‘play’ below. Price […]
10 Reasons Why Winter Homeselling is Hot
While there is a case to be made for homeselling in each of the four seasons, Winter can be one of the most powerful times to sell your house…and for ten very good reasons. Find out more in this helpful program, ’10 Reasons Why Winter Homeselling is Hot.’
5 Winning Homebuyer Tactics for Any Market
Regardless of the kind of market you find yourself in when buying your next home, there are key tactics buyers can use to make the process both more successful and considerably less stressful. What are these key homebuying tactics and how can you use them to navigate to a successful purchase? Find out here in […]
5 Winning Homebuyer Tactics for Any Market
Regardless of the kind of market you find yourself in when buying your next home, there are 5 key tactics buyers can use to make the process both more successful and considerably less stressful. What are these 5 key homebuyer tactics and how can you best incorporate them into your personal homebuying process? Find out in this insightful feature presentation from Certified Realty.
7 Strategies to Sell Your House Sooner!
Homeselling Strategies Sellers can employ certain key strategies to more successfully sell their home. What are these strategies and as an Oregon homeseller, what is it that you might need to know? As an Oregon homebuyer, it can be helpful to learn strategic insights on the homeselling process from an ‘insider’s’ view. Click here or […]
7 Strategies to Sell Your House Sooner!
Homeselling Strategies-Sellers can employ certain key strategies to more successfully complete the homeselling process. What are these strategies and as an Oregon homeseller, what is it that you might need to know? As an Oregon homebuyer, it can be helpful to learn strategic insights on the homeselling process from an ‘insider’s’ view.
The ‘Art of War’ for Homesellers
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War Click here or on the ‘play’ button below to hear the audio podcast of this presentation. The ‘Home Front’ Without being overly dramatic, it’s helpful to realize that as a homeseller, you are in a ‘war’ […]
The Art of War for Homesellers
It’s helpful to realize that as a homeseller, you are in a ‘war’ of sorts. Is it an outright battle? Definitely not. And for anyone selling a home, it clearly helps to maintain a sense of politeness and grace when dealing with potential homebuyers. But we’re about to look at the process of homeselling using the metaphor of homeselling as ‘war.’
Why would the concept of ‘war’ be appropriate to homeselling? To start, homesellers and homebuyers do not have identical goals. In fact, similar to armed conflict, they frequently have goals at direct odds with one another. You can call such business interaction ‘give and take,’ or ‘financial combat,’ or real estate ‘tug-o-war.’ Rather than use swords or heavy artillery, the tools used can be more subtle. Here, metaphorical weapons might include home inspectors, attorneys and a ‘take no prisoners’ attitude. The point is that there is conflict. But as with any good book or movie, sometimes it’s conflict that keeps things interesting and move the process forward, while underscoring the value of what is being contested. Find out more in this podcast titled ‘The Art of War for Homesellers.’
What’s An Oregon Acre Worth?
One frequent Oregon real estate question is ‘What’s an acre worth?’ When you think about it, this question is not so different than ‘What’s a car worth?’ since in each situation there are variables. With a car, the mileage and condition are very important to arrive at an accurate value. Land, too has unique variables. What are these variables and as an Oregon property buyer or seller, what is it that you may need to know? Find out here!
What’s Oregon Land Selling For Per Acre?
One frequent Oregon real estate question is ‘What’s an acre worth?’ When you think about it, this question is not so different than ‘What’s a car worth?’ since there are variables in each situation. With a car, the mileage and condition are very important to arrive at an accurate value. Land, too has unique variables. What are these variables and as an Oregon property buyer or seller, what is it that you may need to know? Find out in this edition of the Oregon Real Estate Podcast.
3 Questions Your Oregon Realtor Can’t Answer
Listen to the audio podcast of this presentation by clicking here or on the ‘play button’ above. When making the biggest financial decision of their lives, many homebuyers and homesellers understandably ask their Realtor to provide a professional opinion on a range of topics. Some common questions include if adding a bathroom will boost resale value, […]
3 Questions Your Oregon Realtor Can’t Answer
When making the biggest financial decision of their lives, many homebuyers and homesellers understandably ask their Realtor to provide a professional opinion on a range of topics. Some common questions include if adding a bathroom will boost resale value, should wallpaper be removed, if re-painting will help, how long a home has been for sale, if sellers should leave when their home is being shown, or if a home shows better when ‘staged.’ These and many other questions are typically addressed with aplomb by an experienced Realtor. However, with other, less benign questions, agents are trained not only to be cautious, but simply refuse to answer them. Is it because the Realtor doesn’t have an opinion? Maybe, but maybe not. Often the reason is because rules don’t allow it. What are these rules that might gag an otherwise conversational, if not super-chatty (or at least engaging real estate agent) to go mum? Find out in this edition of the Oregon Real Estate Podcast.
3 Key Steps to an Oregon Home Sale
Click here or on the ‘play’ button below to hear the audio podcast version of this presentation. Selling an Oregon home can sometimes seem overwhelming and complicated. Yet there is a logical framework to the entire process. Once grasped, this makes the task far less daunting. Easy As 1-2-3 There is usually a very logical progression to […]
3 Steps To An Oregon Home Sale
Selling an Oregon home can seem overwhelming and complicated, yet there is a logical series of steps to the process. Once grasped, a basic understanding of three vital home-selling factors can make a successful home sale much less daunting. Join veteran Oregon Realtor Roy Widing in this episode of the Oregon Real Estate Podcast, as he shows how selling your Oregon home can be as easy as ‘1-2-3.’
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door: Stigmatized Properties
Overview: Dealing with stigmatized properties can be unforgettable for both real estate agents and their clients. Also known as ‘tainted’ real estate among other monikers, the issue of stigmatized property is important for Oregon home buyers and home sellers. ‘…that long black cloud is comin’ down, I feel like I’m knockin’ on heaven’s door…’ Bob […]
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door: Stigmatized Properties
Laws vary significantly from state-to-state in how they address stigmatized properties. A stigmatized property is often a home where undesirable things may have occurred, such as a crime, or a perceived element is present, like a ghost. It’s important to realize that there are various kinds of stigmatized properties and what may bother one person may not seem so bad to another. What should Oregon home buyers and home sellers know about stigmatized properties? Find out more in this interesting episode of the Oregon Real Estate Podcast.
5 Little-Known Oregon Real Estate ‘Insider’ Tips
Oregon Real Estate Confidential: As with any occupation, there are ‘insider tips’ in real estate, too. Exactly what are these little-discussed ‘pointers’ and how can they benefit non-Realtors? Find out more in this edition of the Oregon Real Estate Podcast titled ‘5 Little-Known Oregon Real Estate ‘Insider’ Tips.
5 Little-Known Oregon Real Estate ‘Insider Tips’
As with any occupation, there are ‘insider tips’ in real estate. Exactly what are these little-discussed pointers and how can they benefit non-Realtors? In this edition of the Oregon Real Estate Podcast, we’ll briefly note why this little-known information can be so important, then we’ll get to these 5 little known ‘insider tips.’ Hear the podcast […]