One reason buying or selling a home is different than other transactions is because with real estate, egos are sometimes involved. We often hear about the importance of ‘curb appeal,’ or making a home look good from the street. Yet the ‘curb appeal’ that could be a deal-maker or deal-breaker in your next real estate transaction might be as simple as ‘curbing your own ego.’ Curious? Find out more…in this insightful real estate podcast.
The Perfect Home Sale: Fact or Fairy Tale?
Most residential real estate transactions are ultimately successful, meaning they actually ‘close.’ Such a ‘happily ever after’ scenario has sellers receiving their money and buyers, their new house. However, given the many steps along the way, many real estate transactions have a few ‘bumps in the road.’ Sometimes it’s a home inspection defect. At other times it’s a lendability issue, like an appraisal. Or maybe a legal or title issue, such as an unexpected lien or easement, like a highway or railroad right of way, or perhaps a faulty legal description. Successfully helping home buyers and sellers navigate through these kinds of transaction challenges is a Realtor’s job. Many people are wondering…is the thought of a perfect real estate transaction fact…or fairy tale? Find out more, in this helpful Oregon real estate podcast episode.
I Have An Offer On My House – Now What?
Selling a home usually involves a considerable amount of planning. And like many activities, with homeselling there is a beginning, middle and an end. So somewhere approaching the mid-way point in the homeselling process and well before the end, you’ll receive at least one offer. But what happens then? Questions 67 And 68 There are […]
Deputized: How 2 Oregon Realtors Become ‘Policemen for a Day’
A fellow Realtor and I had been asked by our seller client to assist with the removal of squatters on her property and also make homeselling suggestions prior to her placing the home on the market. As a result, we were told to meet police at the property to assist with access, so the house could be vacated. Little did we know that we would not just assist with access, but were also about to become deputized as temporary police officers!
Deputized: How 2 Realtors Become Policemen For A Day
Working as a real estate agent can present some unusual situations. Here’s one story you probably haven’t heard before. It includes two mild mannered Realtors being deputized, or ‘sworn in’ on the spot, since the local, short-handed police force is about to commence a house eviction that turns out to be a bit more than routine.
We’d been asked by our seller client to assist with the removal of squatters on her property and also make suggestions prior to our selling her home. As a result, we were told to meet police at the property to assist with access, so the house could be vacated. Little did we know that this visit would not only include providing access, but also our becoming temporary police officers! For more, listen to this interesting and true story.
Why Does My Realtor Do That?
Realtors must follow many rules and according to consumer satisfaction surveys, real estate agents do an overall good job. Realtors are trained to abide by applicable state and national real estate laws, follow accepted business practices and the Realtor Code of Ethics, which is considered a higher standard of duty. Yet as in other professions, sometimes […]