The Art of War for Home Sellers
Sometimes home sellers feel like they’re ‘under siege.’ Believe it or not, there’s some truth to this. Without being overly dramatic, it’s helpful to realize that as a home seller, you are in a war of sorts.
Is it a ‘take no prisoners’ situation? Definitely not. When selling a home, it clearly helps to maintain a sense of politeness and grace when dealing with potential home buyers. ‘The Art of War for Home Sellers‘ provides a fresh, highly readable look at the process of home selling as you blaze your path to home selling victory.
Once armed with ‘The Art of War for Home Sellers,’ you’ll possess the ‘intel’ to confidently move forward. Your battle plan includes missions, strategies and tactics—both offensive and defensive—to more profitably sell your property. Learn about his new book, ‘The Art of War for Home Sellers’ here.
For more information, contact author and veteran Realtor Roy Widing using the contact form below.